Sunday, February 19, 2012

I love Binge Day...but not the day after. And my Friday night meltdown.

So, this diet I'm on allows 1 day a week as a binge day. This is to help keep your metabolism high and spearhead your weight loss. So far, it's worked for me. So, during the week every time I want something that I can't have, I write it down and plan to eat it on binge day - which I made Saturday.

This is awesome in that on a diet I am still allowed one day of food I want. But the problem is, I can't eat everything I want that one day. And...when I TRY to do that I just feel crappy from it. But, I give it a good shot. :)  I also try to narrow it down to the things I want the most, but that's hard when you're a previous sugar addict!

Now, my biggest issue is that the day AFTER binge day I am still in binging mode and usually still have some "bad" food around the house. So, I just want to eat it still because I can see it but also because I got used to eating what I wanted the whole day beforehand. Eek. I had Erik "hide" the bad food, even though I know where it is. And he'll probably eat it all in the next few days.

So far today I have resisted. I ate some low-carb lasagna (see recipe HERE), an Atkins chocolate bar, and a protein shake.  I really actually WANT some more chips, some Coke, etc...But I haven't done it. I think Erik is grilling brats for dinner. Yum.

Here is a picture of the lasagna with NO actual noodles.

I did my kettle bell swings Wednesday/Thursday/Friday...and took binge day off. I didn't do that on purpose, but more because I was sore from the 3 days before. I will do them again today. I still consider this an accomplishment!

Friday night I about had a meltdown while getting dressed to meet some friends.  I've lost 15 lbs...and yet I put on 90% of the clothes I own and I hate how I look. I changed probably 10 times. When I finally found something I thought looked good, I couldn't find the cardigan I wanted to wear over it (we had a bit of a laundry explosion going on) and then I couldn't wear it anyway. So I was VERY upset that I have lost a good amount of weight and yet am still very unhappy with how I look. I can't wait until I've lost more and can be happy in my own skin/certain clothes again. Also, maybe due to my height, it takes me losing A LOT of weight to actually change clothes sizes. So, I hear people say they lost 15 lbs and went down an entire size. Not me, not me at all. I will probably need to lose at least 25 lbs before that MIGHT happen, which is a bit depressing. Now, I know it's not all about the size of my clothes...but it's nice to see that tangible thing when you're working on losing weight.

My foot is still it looks like the kettle bell swings are it for me still this week. I know they're great for my whole body, so at least it's something!  Here is to a good week...and looking forward to binge day. ;)

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