Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Something always seems to happen...

It seems like every time I start a diet and am actually succeeding, something happens. I either get really sick, or hurt, or either stops or slows down my progress. Then I get depressed about it and want to quit.

I'm at that point right now. My hurt foot is keeping me from doing much at all, even much walking. And I have been so upset about it but hoping it heals quickly that I haven't looked into alternative ways to get that exercise.

Instead of quitting, I need to be motivated. I need to do ab workouts, lift weights, and do as much as I can that works around the foot injury.

After a nice chat with a friend who also struggles with many of the same weight issues that I do, I have a new plan.  Small goals with incentives. Instead of focusing on the 55 lbs I want to lose in total (AT LEAST) I  need to set smaller goals. I have tried not to think about it that way, and just work to continue losing small amounts each week. But that HUGE number looms over my thoughts...

I am down 14 lbs in 6 weeks. This is GREAT and I should be PROUD, not sad that it isn't more.

So, here are some of my new smaller goals...I need incentives!! Here is what I'm thinking:

20 lbs down -- get a massage
30 lbs down -- do a fun whole day activity with Erik
40 lbs down -- long weekend trip "away"...not super expensive or fancy, just something
50 lbs down -- new, awesome BIKINI

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